“Why don’t you get a man? Your mother is a pretty desperate face,”
Eunho’s face hardened rapidly, and the little trembling hands couldn’t deny it.
“I don’t know if I’m as desperate as you are,” she said, her lips clenched together to make her feel like she was bloodless.
“Just use what you need, because I don’t want to make a lover for a while.”
“… No. How so.”
“If you don’t like that, you can go on a line or a blind date. Who knows? I’m going to go out again and get hit in the eye.”
“… Brother.”
“I don’t have time to join in your house’s pranks, so I don’t have to.”
“… And then?”
her eyes blinked slowly, moistened by the fever of the cold.
He stared into her eyes and slowly rubbed her lips with his fingers.
A tiny tongue crawled out as if to push away the feeling of a foreign body and licked his fingers.
As she swept down her throat as she gulped, her body visibly tense.