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I’m reincarnated with an S-class constellation RAW novel


In an era when contractors who contracted with the Holy See and obtained superhuman strength ruled the world, but I had no ability to contract with the D-class Holy See, and I died miserably without getting anything. ‘If I can be born again, then it must be an S-class constellation!’ [‘The Great Will’ reincarnates you…

The Legendary youngest son of the marquis MTL


After getting revenge on the Thulcaan Empire, Jack Valantier took his last breath. But just when he thinks it’s all over, he finds himself transported back to when he was 14! From his negligent and wicked family to his loyal servant and caring sister, it’s all just as he had remembered. But this time, Jack…

In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe RAW novel


A face is a face, a song is a song, a composition is a composition. Beautiful, talented and hardworking upcoming idol Sun Woojoo. One day, a miracle came to him! “I’ll become a star who shines more than anyone else.” His dreadful dancing wasn’t an issue anymore. At last, an idol with everything prepared. Now,…

Home Premium TFM 3 Mushoku Tensei FF Chapter 22: the laid back life in the Great forest [2] L3

Mushoku Tensei FF Chapter 22: the laid back life in the Great forest [2] L3

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