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Home Only Me Only Me – Chapter 25

Only Me – Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Slaughter [3]

“Ukh… where is this…” utter the boy, who’s holding his head in order to relieve the pain he receives on his head.

Standing up, and stood by his feet only to see the scenery, that could be defined as bloodthirsty. Scene of blood and gore, where, his classmates all had become cold-corpse, with agony painted on their face, while the girls face twisted with despair and liquid could be seen on their nether-region…

“What… is this…” were all he could say…

“Ugh… pant* pant*” a soldier that in his last breath could be heard, breathing heavily, and try to stand up. While the boy, holding his mouth to not letting out the barf which accumulated on his cheeks.

Of course, he can’t stay sane, and, at last, he pukes…

Spot on the soldier’s face…

The male student’s name is Kurokami Yuu, a senior year high-schooler, a normal student until the day, his classmates summoned by the summoning circle and him…

Was left behind…

Well, at the time, he’s a senior high-schooler, and of course lives a life as a perpetrator of the missing children, as well as the key person in the case…

However, a sudden karmic retribution they say, the child goes missing while on the classroom, like he’s not even there from the start… thus, by the time he’s awake, he’d already in the middle of the battlefield, seeing the grotesque scene, which shouldn’t be seen…

Later did he know, that, his ex-classmates were all have dead…

He, as the sole survivor of the world’s summoner, tried his best to battle against the worlds’ invader, in order to go back…

However, his effort proved to be only in vain…

He lost…

Not because of his powerlessness, but, because of his naivety…



“Why?…” asked the black haired, one-eyed knight…

“You’re too strong, O magic-knight… with you here, as an otherworlder, there won’t be any progress for us… depending on you would only make us held back…” say the man, who stabs his spear on the magic knight’s chest

“What gibber are you.. talking about *puke blood* you damn poor prince” shout the magic knight in rage, while coughing blood

The man, who held the spear, is the sole survivor in human’s army, the leader of Juercols’ humanity’s only kingdom that still stood until the end…

“Only if you die, would I able to stand and raise my own empire… that’s why! Die! You piece of trash of another world! And live as the hero in my Empire’s history!”

Yuu then collapsed in his pool of blood, and die…


“Wait, wait, wait… what’s up with the damn story? Don’t tell me you’re that Yuu? And return yourself as the no-life king, who destroys the world?” intrude Ridwan who’s listening to the story.

“It’s bad to intrude other’s reminiscing you know pro…” add Grim

[yep… you’re bad father…]

“Listen to them! You make others waiting for nothing, and of course, Yuu isn’t me, because I am one of those who dies… well, to be exact I’m his ex-classmates… but, well, let’s go back to the story first, shall we?” answer the no-life king

“Okay, pardon me then…” said Ridwan.



Of course, that’s not the end of him… because, Yuu is a magic knight who already has a superb mana pool that could easily decimate the whole world, in his 3 years on earth, and 2 years on Juercols. Only to study others, he let himself be killed.

Only to let him understand, should this world be saved, or obliterated…

Thus, he already knows the answer to his, by that time…

“Sigh… what a shame…” he says “<Rewind X5>” is his Original magic, that could revert time randomly to the past. The magic was wild, and have many holes when being used, the X is his limitation on the usage, it meant, he will use a 5th of his mana pool to revert time…

5 years back, on unknown time and date…

Still, he succeeds.

That time is the time on his morning walk to his middle-school. His last day on their senior-high time, the time that he will be left behind, and became the prime suspect on the missing class, and the key to the case…

This time, the case will soon, repeat itself… and he will try to get caught in the thing and change the tragedy of his classmates.

Of course, the summoning soon happens, not long after he entered the class.

However, he, again, wasn’t included on the summoning.

The reason is unknown to him, because, at that time, he still had no experience about interdimensional summoning.

The tale and tragedy, once again replayed…

The same thing he spent on the 1st time got repeated once more, with slight differences.

And, by the time he got into his senior year of high-school, he, once again being summoned to the hell zone, where the corpse and tragedy recount itself.

However, unlike before, he didn’t get nauseous, and he tried to save as many lives he could…

This time, only 3 people saved by him. saved by him.

These 3 persons didn’t even remember him; only know that the person before them is their life savior and the person that save them from death. They recounted their past experience as of how they brought here, how they receive their power, how they’re being appraised, and how… they died one by one in the hands of either the demons or the humans…

3 years they spent on this war, never did they live a normal life…

All of it was full of violence, regret, and… trauma.

Many of the summoned, fallen into debauchery, and many of the summoned fall into insanity, death by itself is their salvation, and life by itself is torture for them, who’s been living a life in peace, without any worry in the world…

Then, along with the 3, he spent another 2 years in this hell like place, and try to make their lives better, only to receive condemnation from both the demons and humans…

Once again, he died, along with his 3 ex-classmates that have long been his lover… the 3 person is indeed the woman, and almost all of them had a crippled mind. They’ve saved by Yuu’s gentleness and life a normal life, as the 3rd faction, which stood for their selves and didn’t acknowledge any as his ally.

However, the unified attack from the demons and humans left them speechless, and soon, the world destroyed along with Yuu’s self-destruction…

Now, the humans and demons have nothing but despair at the countdown of their death, commenced, they stood there, and see the world became nothing but white, and sees their body disintegrated.

He didn’t try to change the world anymore, but, he only left his memory to his ex-classmates, that’d soon be imparted on the lucky person…

You ask the reason for why he didn’t do that?

It’s pretty simple…

He’s tired…

One more time he failed, he would be the demons who once again destroy the world. At the same time, he’s exhausted, mentally exhausted…

He decided to destroy the crazy world, in order to not let others feel his despair, while again, he left his memory to travel through the past, in order to left salvation to his ex-classmates. At the same time, he himself…

Then, the 3rd time, the story moving at the original pace, now, once of the students received the memory…

“and the person is you?” said Ridwan.

“Hey! Pro, you should stop the cut of the story you know?!” reply Grim.

“It’s too damn long! Can you shorten it a bit more?” add Ridwan, ignoring Grim.

[Well, I too will say the same as father… this story took too much, and we’ve received a spoiler over and over again…] answer Gendis.

Friteta only nods, acknowledging the long and boring story. While the no-life king sat there and see them through the hollow eyes of his.

He once again…



The one who received the memory, at first, think of that as a mere hallucination of his. Then, the person himself realize, that, the memory he received, isn’t a mere hallucination of his, in fact, he once again being crippled by the monster that attacks him.

On their 1st combat experience against a monster that far more weak than those demons, the kingdom in one of the countries which Juercols in, they trained and being leveled up as a savior of them.

However, because his own mistake, his legs chopped by one of the goblins, the green-skinned, child-like statured monster are vicious, among them stood an ogre, beautifully command them, and taking down the humans who tried to eliminate them.

It’s lucky he’s safe because the army sends their subjugation squad and save them. However, among 40 students which being summoned 2 died…

And that is, in fact, less 1 more person than his hallucination was…

He, Hirumi Shinsuke should be the one amongst the death, however, because of his anxiety in the depth of Goblin nest, he became more careful and tries his best to get out of there unscathed, however, he failed, and get his left leg chopped down beautifully…

He’s become a crippled person, and unneeded, thus, he’s thrown from the kingdom, and live his life as a mercenary, after 1 year, using Yuu’s memory, he learns about many things, and invent many things, at that point in time.

His classmates, which being trained by the kingdom has all became fully fledged warrior, thus, receiving the news about how many of them were being left behind, alive, he could only feel sad, and remorse at his mistake, to not give his classmates information he had…

From the 37 that alive before he left, became 20… more than a dozen has died…

The shock and pain his classmates receive indeed more agonizing than him… now, in order to help them, he stood as the leader of the mercenary band of his, Freissburg Mercenary.

Uncountable time has him, along with his band of mercenary has to save the summoned heroes, from the dark. He has known as the one-legged captain in the mercenaries, as the strongest mercenary on the battlefield…

However, never once did he expect that the classmates he protects will end up killing him…

At that time, 3 years after he left the castle, he died under the blade of one of the people that still alive, under their rage, because all along they thought that the person that has died years before come back to kill them because they abandoned him.

Of course, that is the kingdom’s play, to exterminate a bug that could point his swords to them, the kingdom killed Shinsuke.

He left only regret that he… couldn’t save them, and Yuu’s tragic end…

Using his last bit of strength, he imparts his memory, to the person who held the sword …

The man dazzled at the sudden influx of memories and fainted.

Not long after, the series of experience from Yuu’s first time, 2nd time, then Shinsuke’s time recounted on his brain…

As the 4th holder of the memories, he tried to do many things to not make the same mistake as his predecessor, however, it ended as failure, thus, he used Yuu’s magic, that is… world destruction and time leap…



“Hey! Don’t change the old maid! You damn cheater!” shouted the man.

“What?! How dare you blame me for your stupidity! Huh! You damn sore loser!” Reply the man who’s sat face-to-face to the man that shouting.

“Ey! Damn it! I’ve lost for more than 15 times already and every time I always near winning you trick me like that!” reply the man


“Damn it! I’m done with it! Hey! Skeleton! Get it done already!”

The man was, of course, Grim Sherlock… and he was playing old maid along with Friteta, Gendis, and Ridwan. Well, it’s surprising that Ridwan lost to Friteta and Gendis in term of luck, even though he’s already calculating many things before the games start.

Angel’s Luck is really a cheat! Damn it! He thought.

Why did they start to play some old maid you ask? To tell you the truth…

“And so, they’re all failed, and the memories of 40 peoples along, with 2 lifetimes of Yuu are coming back to Yuu again…”

“OOOh! At last, he’s done with the story! Damn this youngling seriously talks too much” said Ridwan

“Pro… this skeleton should be around millennia you know?!” retort Grim

“That’s why I call him the young genius!”

“Uhm… well, the thing already old though… although indeed you’re older…” said Friteta.

“Eh? Older? Pro, how old were you again?” asked Grim.

[hmmm, a little less than 3 Millenium, or to be exact, 2971 years 5 month old] said Gendis.

“ey! Stop talking about age, and let’s come back to the damn skeleton already!” chirp Ridwan

“Ah, right, it’s been several hours since he starts to blabber eh…”

[5 hours 34 minutes 43…44… 45 … seconds]

“Thank you, Einstein” mock Grim

[No problem dummy]

“Ugh…. Sigh… I feel that I lost something important from me…”

The long talk has ended, and now, they start to play the main part…

“Thus, the real story began now…” utter the skeleton.

or not…

What is a summoning ceremony? It’s a normal thing for the world that has a mana in the air, the ceremony to summon monster, in order to help them, the summoner has an easier life.
However, at a certain point in time, some start to call other being aside from monster, and soon…

The war included those other thing that being summoned, some maybe intelligent life-form like dwarf, some called elf, and some even called…


  • From the lost book of Genesis