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Home Only Me Only Me – Chapter 8

Only Me – Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Re-write


This Karma is something like gunpowder, easily combustible…

Unlike the stable chakra that likes calm and steady water without a ripple, Karma is a sea that in the middle of its storm. The waves that so high that could devour the whole ship, a wave that so high it could devour any island which in its way.

The strength… is undoubtedly amazing, and the repercussion in using it?… I don’t realize that the thing is so dangerous that it could blow the zombies into smithereens… you know what kind of zombies I’m talking about right?

Anyway, 1 more year until the transmigration training is over, thus… I could be in relief after 1 more years… is what should happen…

“Dominate them! We shall conquer the world now! And leave no future trouble in the future!”

“Massacre! Murder them all! Those bastards have no right to live on an equal ground with us!”

“Leave no one alive! Let those mongrels live under this daddy’s feet!”

The leader of each country declare war on the other country, the event happens because of this announcement from the Status windows;

[Congratulations! In 1 year, all of you will be transported back to Earth, those who were able to live until that time will be treated as the winner, and their memory shall not be erased… thus, the immortal effect from now on shall cease to exist. Please remember that the loser will lose all their memory about this world’s transmigration aside from their knowledge on how the external energy and Akashic record used]
[The winner or the winner’s group shall be rewarded with a gift, while those who lose shall not receive anything. Leaders who can lead their follower to victory shall receive the best reward] [Leaders, once you able to defeat other leaders, you will receive rewards] [Leaders, those who can defeat the other and became the sole ruler will receive the greatest rewards] [Followers, those who follow the right leader will have abundant resource for the time they come back to earth] [Then, let the game…] [Begun]

Those announcements were like a bomb dropped amidst a town like a meat dropped between carnivores like sweets dropped amongst the girls…

The brutal life became more brutal, like an intelligent being the monsters who actively hunt start to stop their hunt and scavenge for those who lose the battle and be the last arrow that obliterates the life of the losing camp.

The world of violence and war continued… over 11 billion humans… killing each other like their life depends on it, fueling with rage, opportunity, and… enmity…

I can’t stand on seeing them, killing each other like a mass of idiocy… I try my best as the strongest man that tempered between life and death situation in this godforsaken land, trying my best to appease these animals… and trying my best… to save a person at a time…

By the last 5 months… only 3 superpower camp stood brazenly… overlooking the corpse before them…

Seeing me as the hindrance and my people as an opportunity to increase their power, they hunt me… I’m able to stop them; however, my people die one by one…

Those 3 camps united, seeing me as the threat to them… they try to hunt me and my people until the last person…

Fuming with rage, I overcome the last barrier that holding the external energy apart and able to create miracle… with a mindset of ‘ If I am stronger…’ ‘If I am faster’ ‘If I am smarter’, as the regret I have… I received the notification of the record in my pupils as my death is certain…

[Congratulations! The strong mind you have amused the spectator, and the ability to break down the 4 external energy allow you to reach a greater high in an external energy… Thus, a new kind of energy created… input your first wish, as your wish will be realized and your personal external energy will solidify unto a unique ability…]

My mind shook, without much thought, in a midst of humans that surround me and try to stab me to death. I, which has become a human porcupine, imagine a stronger body with a high regenerative ability.

[Congratulations! You have acquired unique ability Number XXXV_ Re-Write_ Please bear in mind that every power has its repercussion]

My blood sped up, my body strengthened, my brain becomes clearer… My power, rise exponentially…

However, it’s still not enough. I then image more and more evolution into my body, even though my mind became clear, I still held a big sized enmity that exploded like a nuke, making my head can’t think straight.

My genes rewritten over and over, after all of the humans left, the monsters start to grab the corpse, when the corpse all grabbed they ran flustered sensing bloodlust that permeated from me.

I couldn’t care less about those garbage life anymore, the mind of mine become clearer, and I could understand that by the time they come back to earth with their memory intact, they will surely create another tragedy like this.

Thus, I brace myself, and…

“Spare me! Don’t kill me! Please! Please!”

One’s down…

“You monster! I shall fight you to death!”

2 down…

“Hahaha… have you look yourself in the mirror Grim?”

The last leader, who stood before me, although I already know it a year ago, sees him myself like this is surely heart-wrenching…

“Freeed, soo it isss youuuu”

The words that come out my mouth are all weird, why is it like this? It should become out normally like always…

“Sigh… my friend, Grim… I don’t know what’s happening to you, but you should know, that power you used… is a double edged sword that hurt you as much as you hurt others…”

Fred thus letting out a mirror that created from external energy, I realize that the mirror is real without any trick behind it, however… the thing that drawn in the mirror is something that’s not like a human… although it is something like a human, it is not human… those snake-like eyes, those horn in the forehead, those disfigured body, and face…

“It is you… Grim… my friend, the last human is only you and me… this time, there’s no one… only you and me…”

“I will say that I won’t hurt our relationship over a little quarrel like this, and I know that you hate me, as much as I hate other races… however, the greed they have to disgust me… no matter how many times I request them, they’re all trying to kill me because our race is an old-fangled race…”

“It is true that African is a colonized country, even before the day we were still between our tribe without a system, still that doesn’t make us a pushover country…”

Fred draws his dagger to his neck, ‘This shall be the cost of my stupidity, and let this attest that I still am the old Fred you know’ that is his eyes utter to me. His eyes show his dignity, his eyes show me his pride, at the same time his eyes show me how much guilty feeling he shoulder…

The dagger draws an arc by itself and fountain of blood flowing from his neck, steadily and surely, his eyes dimmed and thus in his last breath…

“My friend… Grim… Let us met again in the next life… and once again befriend…”


My howl, the howl of anguish that blames the world of what is happening to this world, blame the world of what happening to the humanity…

Only those who strong can seek their own path and ye aren’t strong enough to draw your own path.

Power! More! Give me more power! I want a power strong enough to demolish this accursed place!

At that time, I could feel the genes in my body revolting, letting the genes in my body wreaking havoc, and the ability of mine creating subduing the revolting genes in my body and put them down enslaved them, and recreate them until the genes recreated unto other genes that hold power.

My howl intensified, and the pain I feel start to lessen. However, my mind deteriorates and soon I lose my mind… all I could see is, blood and cry of the monsters, until the day… I…

———————– 8.5,.,.,.,,..>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>}{}{

It’s a sudden thing which happens to almost the entire able bodied earthling, especially the humans in earth.

Those who still amidst their own works, and those who still doing ‘something’ in the middle of night. They’re all abruptly brought to another world.

The first world, Zion. A place which had abundant of Ki over other external energies.

There the human learnt about Ki, by training as a soldier. Training in the schedule that could even make the elite soldiers’ scalp tingle, a schedule of training that gave them how arduous became a soldier is…

Day by day, receiving unknown number of injuries and exhaustions which makes one feel despairs.

The unknown time of discipline and punishment the lazy receives, a number of time they life in a near death experience because of the punishment and training they receive make them all either broken or became an elite.

Uncountable broken human; neither old or young, male nor female, could be seen losing their mind, and in order to escape from the strict training they receive. They’re all run away from their life.

None of them died… none of them allowed to die…

The strict training and strict surveillance leave them no way of suicide. They’re all either put exhausted so that they won’t ever think of death.

The instructor too, all stopped once they deemed that over training will give the trained in death or even worse state.

For 5 years, they’re live as a soldier, which will soon drop in the middle of war. At last, 5 years went by… their time to say goodbye to their soldier training has completely done. Then, it’s now the time to either go back to earth or face another hell…

It’s unknown whether they’re fortunate or unfortunate.

Magus, the name of the world which has abundant of Mana.

There, they learn about history of the world, a place which they are being taught about many things… many of them, learn about orde, job, and status…

For one the status of a normal new born baby in a place without any external energy were all 1 or 2 and not more.

While those who has external energy will have 7 or 9 and some may be 10 but not over… which is almost the same as a normal adult in earth who live his life with not much of sports and training…

We could say that overall, the strongest human will have 100 in all of their stats. That too is the strongest normal human, which were able to easily pick a car that has weight over 200kg…

Let’s say that 5 point in strength could increase your ability to lift by 4kg, and 100 mean you can lift something that is over 200kg.

5 point in agility could increase your speed by 1m/s.

5 point in resistance could increase your resistance in either poison or stun by 0.05% it means you would be calmer in every situation.

Then the thing left is Defense, Intelligent, and accuracy…

5 point in Defense will allow you to not even leave any mark in your body even if you’re attacked by 4kg worth of impact.

5 point in Accuracy will allow you to have a bullseye in 1 meter mark.

5 point in Intelligent will either increase your Mana by 10 or Lessen the burden in learning something.

Mana by itself could only be increased by increasing ones intelligent, while other energies can be increased by doing a certain thing.

Ki could be increased by training martial arts.

Chakra could be increased by Meditation.

Karma? No one had yet to understand how Karma increased…

Another 5 years passed… The earthling, in Magus world, were not really put in a strict requirement like what they need to do in Zion…

They’re all being left to do anything they wanted to.

While some thirst for knowledge, some lazing around atop the grass in the field or park. Some may indulge in debauchery, and some may train their body more…

The 3rd world, Fried, countryside-like place, which has no development in their civilization.

We could even say that Fried is underdeveloped world which fill their necessity by either barter or hunting.

A peaceful place, which has no concern over knowledge or strength. A place where they learn how to craft and meditate, a place where there’s no need for them to banter over their life…

A place they could call home…

Another 5 year pass again… they need to leave Fried… many left their friends which they found here, or even lover, wife… even some has a baby in here… tears stricken, they need to leave…

It’s not because they want to… but they need to…

Never they thought that… the next place would be a hell…

Razor, a place which has abundant of Karma… and monsters…

They need to survive…

Death? What’s that?

They’re all became immortal for 4 years… at the early years, they’re in joy that they could live without fear of dead…

However, all of the enemies here were all over 2nd orde, while only the babies has their 1st or 0th orde here…

Levelling is a hard thing to do… Upgrade Quest? It’s impossibility…

They’re faced with despair, an enormous despair which burden them and drag them down into vanity and hopelessness.

Each passing day is an arduous torture…

A place which they can call home, is a place which the Sovereign own…

A kingdom that sacrifice others from another race, country or even different ethnic and cultures, at this point of time…

Transmigrates are all gathered in that safe place.

For years they strengthen themselves while wage wars against other race, until 4 years later…

There’re only 4 factions left in Razor.

European’s Sovereign, Sovereign Lute.

Korea’s sovereign, Sovereign Triesha, kan win soo.

China’s Sovereign, Sovereign Rage, Chen Lichuan.

African’s Sovereign, Sovereign Tribal, Fred Alnoya.

As the lowest place holder, the African which being universally used as a fodder until 3 years ago suddenly rise in power under the leadership of Sovereign Tribal. The fodder, has become the farmer.

As the strongest faction, they hunt others in the stead of Revenge, and in the rage of his. He nonchalantly mows-down others sovereign, until there’re only those 4 factions that left…

The balances were being steadily placed in the place…

Those rebels who’re not gave side to either Sovereign lessen, until there’s only a person left in the rebels…

The person is Grim…

However, as if making a joke to them… a dirty joke that tilts the balance of the game, and easily create other sovereign attack each other announced…

The bloody battle left many die a gruesome death.

No matter which Sovereign there, they’re all being fooled by greed and their wish to control.

However, in the midst of their gruesome fight, a sudden joker shown itself and mow-down every Sovereign’s force and army like a weed.

A monster, which overturns their belief in their superiority…

A human, which they left alone as a mere bug that, could easily be squashed under their foot at any given time.

A mere fool who dream of peace and equality…

Come and bite back at them, and utterly squash them down… squash them all so hard that, they want to cry at how powerless they’re in front of the monster… which they create…

Using the Unique Skill [Re-write], Grim changed all his genes and DNA in order to stop the foolish war the sovereign create…

However, the prices were too expensive…

At some point of time, he lost sight of himself and… destroy the world and be the winner of the gruesome Battle royal.

This place named Razor, the planet of Karma. Should be the last destination they’ll go…


Let’s say that the earthlings receive a blessing…

A blessing which could end their dispute before they come back to earth, and face the outbreak and the change of their world…

The spectator, allow them to have another 20 years which could be used for train them mentally and physically…

This 20 years can be used for another purpose too…

That is, rehabilitation for them…

However, let’s tell that story in another time…

Because the story will took us a lot of time to tell…

Or maybe, we won’t go there and just focus on the story that will happen in earth, after the Transmigrate became a returnee and met another who’s already became a returnee earlier than theim…

We call those who are trained in another world as transmigrate and those who return from their train as a returnee.

Only the strong will be left, and those weaklings which aren’t even stronger than a mere lamb at 3rd order and lower aren’t even need to be tended. They’re all just a waste and trash that need time to be trained, and only those who can survive the outbreak are the important slave whom we should nurture and used as our pawn, in the battle against the Satan faction… and the spectator’s…

-Seraphim of Balance, Triuel’s Recruitment edict