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Home Stranded World Stranded World Chapter 35: What happened after?

Stranded World Chapter 35: What happened after?


With a stab, the woman’s hand coming through off Madara’s chest.

Shocked, Madara which already in his sennin form, look just like the woman behind him having a shocked look.

He was astonished, scared, even feel betrayed at the same time.

The woman looks at him like he’s someone that worth nothing for her. It’s the same gaze, and he gave the ninja from the alliance with more disdain within…

Not long later, the black Zetsu laugh his ass off, while telling a tale for others to hear.

Describing the story of how the mother of his sealed and how he fooled his siblings and their descendant.

It might be an abrupt change of story.

However, this is something which happens while the ninja all around the nation is waging war against Zetsu.

For her, it’s been a long while since she sees him.

He looks the same as that day when they found his body became cold in front of the Konoha gate.

The lifeless, white, and cold corpse he has once been.

His bodies became puzzled, with parts scattering around my eyes watery, even in his end I can’t say the word I want to say.

He, along with others, stay still.

Although he’s not that influential in the village, at least more than enough people sad with his sudden departure…

Hotaru from Ichiraku, the son of Teuchi, and the brother of Ayame, one of the ninjas led under the banner of the famous hidden leader of Konoha, Shimura Danzo.

His sudden departure left many grieving him, cry for him, and putting a hole in my heart…

Years passed by, and he won’t come back. There’s nothing else but a hole in my heart…

At some point, I even regret the fact I leave him be, what’d happen if…

I confess to him that day…

Help him, pulling over the revenge he had in his heart…

And… do everyday things like always…

Making fuinjutsu, cook ramen, cleaning the dinner at Ichiraku, doing some mission in the village…


The regret, the tears rolling down on my cheeks, and the fact he left…

I regret many.

However, the churning stomach I feel when I see the bastards Akatsuki dies by Naruto’s hand didn’t make me satisfied,

Until the end, that the one known as Pain died…

There’s nothing I can feel…

Such emptiness…

However, the sudden development of the world leaves me no chance to the thought of him anymore, and I can do nothing about the fact the Great wars soon occurred…

The preparation donned hastily. We were left without much time with the sudden attack from Madara Uchiha which later known as Obito Uchiha,

Even though there are only several weeks, the event happened, as if in a mere minute…

As the rushing sensation, and hurriedness. Left me nothing but sudden preparation.

The fact that 5 Great village moves as a part, lead by each and every respective Kage. Is amazing by itself…

The once communities that were killing one another, now, holding hand to counter a massive enemy stood before them.

It’s funny the fact, those massive enemies all came from Konoha.

Obito Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Orochimaru’s sound village along with Kabuto, which controlling everything from behind the scene left me baffled…

The truth that the perpetrator all came from Konoha, made the Uchiha clan ostracized.

Even so, the remaining Uchiha alive feel nothing but hatred towards the enemy and allow them being used by other ninjas.

They hate the enemy before them, led by Sasuke, and they start their revenge towards what happened years before…

The day where the Uchihas harvested for their eyes…

That day I can only focus on my mission and injured as I am.

I only know that he has come back to life, on the day Ootsusuki Kaguya awaken and murder Madara Uchiha.

While, at the same time, Kabuto turn over a new leaf with the resurrection of Orochimaru, that Hotaru is tending over my wound…

Like magic by itself, he alone stood with his clones managing the injuries of the ninjas, leaving even the great Tsunade-sama along with Sakura, and the others medic ninja baffled.

They felt they’d became useless with Hotaru there, however, as expected of many.

He can’t tend others 24/7.

His chakra is limited.

However, the fact he can heal faster than the 5th Hokage by a whole lot, making others which hate him so much have a better impression of him.

The reason for their hatred is simple…

The fact, Hotaru kill his enemy leaving no corpse behind make them hate him.

His slaughter over the ninjas in the battlefield that day, infuriated them, at the same time fear him much more than the Uchihas perpetrator.

Albeit he’s a godsend in this war, the battle Naruto along with Sakura and the others with Kaguya reach the climax, and as expected…

They can’t stop the jutsu ‘infinite Tsukuyomi’ from being activated…

Like a planned setting, the world tree, which once a ten tailed beast. Growing their branch and enveloping the humans inside a cocoon. Everyone, not leaving anyone behind, but those energetic ninjas inside them…

And, I included…

Fallen asleep in the cocoon…


After the infinite Tsukuyomi activated, they all fall asleep in a cocoon.

Leaving a little behind, Hotaru’s the only one left in the medic camp looking around the surrounding to see any survivor.

Tenten, Lee, and Gai trapped in the cocoon, of course, as an average ninja himself, Hotaru can do nothing to the cocoon, furthermore, destroying the cocoon will kill the person trapped inside at the worst, even the best, the person will continue to sleep after letting them out…

The only possible way to wake them up is, defeating Kaguya and destroying the Tree, or so Hotaru think…

There’re many ways to deal with this situation, but with his ability, none usable. It’s pretty hard to use either the hard or soft way of persuading the white woman. Hotaru thought.

“there’s no way I can deal with her.”

“But looking at the expression both Naruto and Sasuke had, they seem to have received some sort of enlightenment…” Hotaru said as he moves closer to the battlefield, leaving the cocoon behind while looking sadly at the cocoon, that Tenten resides.

Inside the cocoon, Tenten leads the same life she had before the war.

The chunin exam happened just like always, and there’s no assault on Konoha, she lives her life usually, while developing steadily with Hotaru beside her.

Learning the art of weapon and sealing jutsu along with her, they spent their days either in training, helping out with their parents work or spending the day just the 2 of them.

The only time they’re separated was the day they do some mission.

At least, that’s what she dreamt of on in the former part of her dream…

As the world suddenly crumbled…

She lives a day like always in a monotone world, along with Neji and Lee, with Guy-sensei, there’s no Hayate team.

Hayate is a Chunin.

Knowing about Hotaru’s status as an adoptive child in Ichiraku, she spent days searching for him but seeing no sign of his being in the village.

Although she knew she’s under the genjutsu of Infinite Tsukuyomi, she still wished for her former part of her dream to come true.

She wanted to see him again, she holds him dearly…

“Ah… why can’t I see you again… Hotaru…” Tenten murmured while witnessing the sunset atop the Hokage stone, while traces of tears lined down her cheeks.

Lee and Neji from that world feel Tenten’s sadness, but they do nothing.

Instead, they can’t as it’s too awkward for Lee and Neji to ask her when they’ve already rejected by her.

Days passed, and her day as Genin ended,

The day she got her Chunin vest, she followed another team to guard the surrounding village, from the mission they received from the 4th Hokage.

In this world, the 4th is still alive, and Kushina still the Jinchuriki of Kurama, while Naruto lives as a prodigy in the village as he had a title of 4th proud son.

Sasuke is an orphan that had his clan exterminated by his own brother.

However, rather than gathering his power to take revenge, he woos girls in his surrounding and became a player. Making many wives for himself and increasing the Uchiha blood by himself…

Of course, there are not many parents that want to have their beloved daughter to be one of the wives Sasuke have, that’s why he targets the orphans.

There’re more orphans than you can think of in a village where a ninja can be dead anytime, furthermore, years in the past. There’s the war that took the lives of many ninjas, and leave their children to fend off for their own…

At the same time, there’s also a parent that wants to have a lineage of the legendary Uchiha, and had their own Sharingan in their family, thus eyeing Sasuke…

Leaving those matters alone for Sasuke to fend it, Tenten found the man she seeks for years in the genjutsu…

In a village, as a youth the same age, she is…